Why You Should Never Move a Piano Yourself

Posted on: 24 October 2019


Given how expensive moving can be, it's no surprise that many homeowners try to cut costs by moving furniture and belongings themselves. However, one thing you should never move without professional help is a piano. Here's why.

You Might Hurt Yourself

The biggest and most important reason to avoid moving your piano yourself is the risk of injury. Did you know that a grand piano can weigh as much as almost 1,000 lbs (450kg)? Even a medium upright piano can weigh up to 500 lbs (225kg). Unless you have experience in heavy lifting, attempting to move such a weighty object puts you at risk of numerous injuries. At the low end, you could face pulled muscles and broken fingers. However, many heavy lifting injuries are much more serious, affecting the back and spine. Such injuries can be permanent, leading to lifelong mobility impairment. That's why moving a piano yourself simply isn't worth the risk. Professional piano movers work in teams to distribute the heavy load, and they have years of training and experience in dealing with objects of this size without injuring themselves.

You Might Break the Piano

From the outside, pianos look big, sturdy and durable. However, on the inside, these instruments are highly delicate and very easy to damage. The piano strings, for example, are pulled so taut and have such high tension that even one slight knock in the wrong direction could break them. Likewise, keys can get stuck, deadened, or even smashed if moved incorrectly. Most piano owners aren't aware of all the necessary steps of moving a piano without damaging it, such as keeping it upright at all times. Unless you want to risk your beloved instrument facing costly (or even irreparable) damage, it's best to leave the task of moving it to the professionals.

You Might Damage Your House

Your piano itself isn't all that's at risk of damage. The weight and bulky shape of a piano makes it very easy to damage your house when moving it. If you're selling your old home, it's crucial that you keep it in top condition when you leave. Most housing sales contracts including a clause requiring you to make good any damage you incur when moving out. If you dent your walls or flooring while moving a piano, you'll find yourself having to pay for those expensive repairs—or facing a lawsuit for breaching your contract. Similarly, if you're moving out of a rented property and cause damage by moving your piano, you won't receive your security deposit back. You may even have to pay extra for repairs if the damage is particularly bad. Thankfully, when you hire a professional piano mover, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Even if a professional was to damage your home during the moving process, every reputable removals company has liability insurance that will cover the cost of any breakages incurred.